Daisy has brought Luigi into a greenhouse, where it seems that a variety of plantlife is being researched. It seems the main attraction is a rather nasty-looking carnivorous plant based on none other than the iconic Piranha Plant!

We knew from the beginning that we wanted to showcase some of the game’s most popular flora in the park scenes of this chapter. It was a no-brainer that the Piranha Plant should be front-and-center since it best demonstrates that element of the games.

The main issue, though, was that we have no reference for how the production might have interpreted the Piranha Plant within the film’s unique setting. They could have gone in a million directions; we had to be faithful to the film’s aesthetic without straying too far from what made the original game concept so interesting.

For this reason we opted to do a more literal translation than what fans have come to expect with the film’s universe. We had no problem doing this as the very idea of a man-eating plant fits very well within the sensibility of a violent and chaotic dinosaur-dominated world. The only difference is that we made the Piranha Plant more angular in shape compared to the cleanly spherical original. Turned out very Burtonesque, we think!

The Piranha Plants will be returning later in the story in a much stronger capacity. We also have plans to introduce other creatures and concepts from the games, so be sure to keep an eye out for them. (Also, look around for another iconic plant in the background of this page. Can anyone spot it? Sound off in the comments!)